WATCH: S.I.M.P.L.E. Delegation: Don’t be a bottleneck in your business!

In this video, I’d like to talk about Delegation. And in particular, the model that I put together calledSIMPLE Delegation.


It’s a good mnemonic for you to be able to rememberSix Key Principles of Delegationthat if you adopt them. It will guarantee success and transform your management skillsIt’s a very simple approach. 

S is for Specify the Outcome

Breally clear about what the outcome of the task is or the project that you’re delegating. What is it going to ProduceWhat’s the big why behind you delegating that to them? But also specify the Outputs. What are you specifically going to be able to seehold, or have in your hand or on-screen? That you’ll be able to sayyepthat task is complete, according to the agreed standard.

“I” is for ‘Involve them

Ask them loads of questions. Ask them; how they’re going to do it? How it fits? And all the sorts of coaching questions that you would normally use with a competent member of StaffBecause you’re not going to delegate something, to someone who’s not competentThat’s trainingThat is a different subject! Soinvolve them to make sure that you’re both in agreement. You both understand what’s required.

M” is for ‘Motivate them

Next, Motivate them. Because with any task especially big ones there can be times when motivation can fluctuate. And you can motivate themby finding out what’s most important to them about work. For, example just ask them“What’s most important to you about work? And then linking whatever their answer is, to that task. Sothat they’ll either get more of what they want or less of what they don’t want by doing this task.

“P” is for ‘Plan Reviews

Make sure that you agree with them some nice checks and balances along the way. Where you can have a chance to see how it’s going and make yourself available for those. Best put them in the diaryso they become little milestones along the way that you can both agree progress is being made, outputs are being produced, etc. If you do all of thatand you’ve given them the autonomy to be involved in all of that. 

“L” is for ‘Let Go’

And then just Let Go’. Let them get on with it! That’s when you can truly let them get on with it. When you’ve known you’ve done those things.

“E” is for ‘Evaluate’

And then actually, in the end, it’s also really powerful to evaluate together. What was it that worked well for them? What were the elements of the delegation that worked well for them? What was it that works well for you Bactually having that conversationyou’re always going to get better at improving delegation next time.


So, as you think about delegation. Think about the SIMPLE approach.

Andwhen it comes to Delegation….., Stay Curious! 


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Remember . . . Stay Curious!


With best regards,

David Klaasen 

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©David Klaasen – 2014